Saturday, February 13, 2010


before i start..
i would like to take this opportunity to wish a HaPPyChiNeseNewYeaR to all the chinese people from all over the world.. may this year of the tiger will give u a very best of luck ;)

*intro done*

today again! shopping la kan apa lagi..
ermmm cina raya i pun shopping jgkkkkk...hehehe biasa la tu kan
first location at jalan tunku abdul rahman..
as always..sogo la! hehehe offer offer!! heeeee ;))
so my mom bought a guess brand handbag..SINCE!!! since...i tak berjaya melt my mom pretty tweenie i tak dapat a new guess handbag.. ;(
BUT!!! but...hehehe... there still have chance to win her heart...sooooo...selepas penat lelah membodek maam besar wife of MR.NAJIB ni..hehehe she bought me a newww guess brand wallet..hehehe
well dah 18 years old takkanla mau wallet tropicana lagi..ecececeh..
*market lebih* euw euw euw..

had our lunch at capital cafe..then shoot pegi mid..
why??haha my mom tak puas shopping!oh my! plss..these foot already killing me...
yeah i know..susah mau dpt parking..ramai gila bie!
wellll valet parking kan ada..jgn pening2 syggg

im getting tired when i was in mid today..serious bie!maybe not getting enough sleep last nite..
but im still having fun!

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