Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Falish Nasran Syah 23rd feb 2010

say hello to Falish Nasran Syah Bin. Fairuzz Bakhtiar Syah!
and congrats to his parents too! ;)
ermm delivered on 12.02am which is on the date of 23rd Feb 2010..
weight ; 3.7kg
p.o.b ; KPJ Shah Alam

my sis..(time ni before bersalin..hehe )

about 7.45pm on 22nd feb..
my sis dah kne masuk delivery suite bcuz she's already getting pain ;)

while waiting ;)

(uncle hariz and auntie bella getting excited)

nanny from both side!
popo (my brother-in-law's mom) omma (my mom)
ececeh! ;)

ok fine! at this time we was getting damn worried kot syg
u just imagine sudah pukul 10 baby tak keluar lagi! (ceh "tak keluar")
owh and my sis screaming!!omg!!
i can feel the pain sis!!

we heard baby crying..
oyeyeye!! hahaha
congrats! baby boy..

ececehhh..lega daddy falish ni! ;)

a few minutes after ;)

the next day ; baby 1 days old ;)

alololo syg2 auntie!!
me dah jadi auntie weyh!!

2 days old..
my sis dah boleh discharge..
so fetch her and the baby..
ahaaa..omma falish ni..kalau dah pegang cucu dia org lain nk pgg??
harapan tipis la sygggg..hehehe ;)
yela first grandchild kan?? hero plak tu ;)

mama excited!
baby nangis jer mula nak panic! haha
4 person kena tolong dia..hehehe ;)

sleep tite syg..

we love you superman!!!

so again..
my nephew..
Falish Nasran Syah ;)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ahaaa atas ni smua gadis2 Bangi Hunters Rugby Team ;) except me...ececehhh
ahaaaa...first time ni i follow my bro's rugby tournament..
was held in Mont Kiara..
erkk nothing much to tell's a few photos that tell u guys everything ;)

over all..its great!! and i was thinking..apa la diorg ni nak main rugby kan??
main rebut2 bola..haha! bola ke?
erkkk... xdapat..haaa dah kene belasah..

p/s ; hariz nanti nak ikut lagi boleh??plisssshhhh ;))

btw..thanks to ms.hana for the photos ;)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


before i start..
i would like to take this opportunity to wish a HaPPyChiNeseNewYeaR to all the chinese people from all over the world.. may this year of the tiger will give u a very best of luck ;)

*intro done*

today again! shopping la kan apa lagi..
ermmm cina raya i pun shopping jgkkkkk...hehehe biasa la tu kan
first location at jalan tunku abdul rahman..
as always..sogo la! hehehe offer offer!! heeeee ;))
so my mom bought a guess brand handbag..SINCE!!! since...i tak berjaya melt my mom pretty tweenie i tak dapat a new guess handbag.. ;(
BUT!!! but...hehehe... there still have chance to win her heart...sooooo...selepas penat lelah membodek maam besar wife of MR.NAJIB ni..hehehe she bought me a newww guess brand wallet..hehehe
well dah 18 years old takkanla mau wallet tropicana lagi..ecececeh..
*market lebih* euw euw euw..

had our lunch at capital cafe..then shoot pegi mid..
why??haha my mom tak puas shopping!oh my! plss..these foot already killing me...
yeah i know..susah mau dpt parking..ramai gila bie!
wellll valet parking kan ada..jgn pening2 syggg

im getting tired when i was in mid today..serious bie!maybe not getting enough sleep last nite..
but im still having fun!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

owh hey peeps!!
bersemangat ni mau cerita
ahaaaa guess what??
sure u guys don't believe it..
me pergi jogging kot dowh!!
menanam semangat yg tinggi mau diet sikit la..
just want to lose my weight since i found dat my favvie pink kebaya sudah ketat..
gila la weyhhhh...fobia i ni..

so secara tak mom pun nak diet jgk..
then we planned to jog every evening n have our diet..

ala tak jauh pun pergi jog..dkt Tasik Cempaka saja..hehe
so after jog..stop at PKNS..we bought

- whole grains bread
- diet yogurt
- apples and bananas

haha! eyh diam okeyh! im trying to diet..and at least! i sedar yg i ni FAT!!
daripada u guys??
did u??
i'll bet maybe u never or maybe u having the same problems with me..

well guys i need a support and forever will be ;)


Sunday, February 7, 2010

awesome but unsatisfied

today was my last day of driving class
well feel so awesome bout dat but im just a bit unsatisfied with it bcuz im not
really in my mood today..haha! dun know why...grrr..why huh??

on last saturday i've already get done the QTI part which is known as my pra-ujian for jpj test..
omg!! im stressed with it...
haha!!hope not get the same car again!! pls pls pls i need a new model of perodua kancil which have the better working of clutch not like an old model..pls pls pls... im begging!!!haha

so i was if i take another extra hours for my practical so dat i can polish back my skill before my reallllll jpj test!
and i will take it..(maybe)

over all..driving was fun! but its quite tired..haha
yela manual kan? duh!!!



Wednesday, February 3, 2010

need attention especially for ladies

be alert people!!

CUCI BRA dan PAKAIAN2 BARU Anda, sebelum dipakai. Banyak orang yang melakukannya, ini sebagai peringatan bagi yang tidak melakukan-nya. Baca dan persiapkan diri Anda untuk melihat gambar ini. Kami tidak tahu parasit apa yang ada didalam pakaian ketika kita membelinya.

Setelah Susan McKinley (Antropologis) pulang dari ekspedisi di Amerika Selatan, dia menyedari ada ruam aneh di payudara sebelah kirinya, tidak ada yang tahu itu apa, dan dia pikir ruam itu akan hilang dgn sendirinya..

dia menemui doktor kerana dia berasa sakit di bahagian payudaranya.. Doktor tidak tahu penyakit apa yang dialami oleh Susan, doktor memberi nya antibiotik dan krim khusus. Setelah berselang rasa sakitnya tidak hilang dan payudaranya semakin panas dan mulai berdarah. dia memutuskan untuk membalut pendarahan itu, bagaimanapun rasa sakitnya semakin bertambah, dia mula mencari doktor2 pakar yang lain.. Dr. Lynch tidak berjaya mendapatkan sebarang jwpn tentang apa yang terjadi dan meminta Susan untuk mencari temannya yang ahli dalam bidang Dermatologi. Malangnya..doktor tersebut sedang bercuti.. Susan menunggu selama 2 minggu dan akhirnya dapat bertemu Dermatologist tersebut.

Susan terkejut, setelah ia membuka bra nya, mereka mendapati larva bertumbuh dan bersarang dalam pori2 dan dalam luka payudaranya, sesekali mahkluk jahat ini masuk dalam pori2 dan muncul di lubang sebelahnya, yangd ia tidak tahu adalah lubang itu sangat dalam dari yang dia bayangkan. Larva ini memakan lemak, lapisan kulit dan kanal susu payudaranya!

jadi pengajaran daripada kes ini..
kita haruslah sentiasa berwaspada terhadap kebersihan diri kita..
dan sekali lagi diingatkan..cucilah pakaian baru anda sebelum anda memakainya..

i post this because i care people..

-loves, bella-

"copyright from facebook"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

second class of driving terrible but awesome!

well well well..
excited nak story ni
today was my second class of driving..
my trainer fetch me at home..
and u know wut..
"awak drive sampai dengkil"
i was like! what!!!
gila la u...baru second class kot..
so dgn muka yg berlagak cool..saya pun drive laa
kelam kabut bie oi!

pin pin pon pon..
sorry saya baru belajar

today quite tired..yeah dgn panas nya..tau2 jer la kan..
reverse parking not my things la baby!
owh and naik bukit too!
i have to polish my skill back..

ermm..i drive back home too
haha..gila dowh..
ermm engine ada mati bila i stop..
bcuz i tekan break but lupa tekan clutch! ahaha
bella syg..
kereta ni manual bukan auto baby!
susah rupanya drive ni..

kepada pemandu2 yg jammed gara2 saya memandu tadi
amatla saya memohon maaf..
lagipun double line u guys xboleh nak overtake pun
jgn marah okie
i'll bet u guys dulu pun mcm tu

but i lucky bcuz trainer i cool!
thank god..

pray for me yeeah ppl!

i love u!

chaiyok bella!

Monday, February 1, 2010

How do i lie??

with my behavior

I lie with how i act. I was a 'glass half full' kind of person, or at least i pretend to be. I act like the person people need. I'm a quiet and logical in group that needs some morals. I'm upbeat and positive in a group that needs some excitement. i'm a kind and understanding when people need a shoulder to cry on. Basically, I lie about who i am. I was a kind heart dat is easily manipulated by people who are just looking to use me, but i have a tendency to bring out the best in people. i'm a wonderfully positive person and everyone loves to be around me. i live for my ever growing circle of friends.

I lie because i do not think about myself. I'm happy if everyone else is happy, and sometimes have a problem with thinking for myself. Only my truest friends have seen me when i tolerance has run out, and my best friends are the ones who calm me down and don't take advantage of this. Even if i have had a bad day, i put a smile on for the people who need a positive person around. However, i let my guard down easily for a smooth talker or overly friendly stranger. My kind heart is open to everyone, which makes me a target for people with bad intentions. I keep my friends close and let them help me pick out the bad people, because they are my weakness. It's true that people could use someone like me, but i remember to think about myself from time to time so i don't explode from holding it all in. I don't want to lose the friends who understand me the best.

"copyright by my quiz result in facebook"