Saturday, August 1, 2009

TIRED day!!

6 o'clock in the morning;adik..bgn..solat subuh...
7.30 am; mandi2..getting ready...

"adik..nenas ni mhl la..kecik jer 2.50 sebiji..baik beli kat bintang" -mama-

-bintang mart tutup!!-

"pegi tesco la"..


beli tu beli ni.....sedar2 trolley dah full ;)
"eyh adik! ade fish spa laaaa..mama nk try"


cuz came from shah alam...prepared dinner..blablabla..
do this do that..blablabla...
swear!!tired gle dowh!! =))


semua suda balik...hehehehe
lega saja..hehehehe... dats the end of my story for today..not really clear bout
today story??sorry...xde idea nak tulis byk2..hehehe
im sleepy..and really wanna go to bed...
c ya darL!!

-nyte2 and sweet dreams-

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