Monday, June 21, 2010

hey peeps!!! heehe finally plan yg nak keluar dgn my twinnie tu jadi jgk! hehehee
last saturday.. location; BB ;)
yer tau2!! "BB" lagi! hahahaa biarla...drpd asyik2 nak keluar smpai ke mid jer bosan gak kan..huhuhu..well.. our favvie place la BB xder bosannyer la kan..

as always pegi naik KTM..but me drive sampai ke my super exboyfie house..and he send us to ktm..wahhh baik dowh dia!mmuuaxx syg u la hadi! =)
nnt me blnjer u minum2 okie hehehee...

so here's a few pic dat have taken by jojie =)

ermmm well we had so much fun there as always we do..
watch movie.. karate kid!
serious dowh! nice and touching movie kot..smpai popcorn "tumpah" la nak menunjukkan movie tu best! kan jojie kan???

the next day ddk rumah jer..but in the evening jumpe hadi kat oldtown suruh die keje kan software kat my lappie ni..huhuhhu

but now im currently at my hostel..lying on my bed while watching my both cutie senior laughing like a hell! heheeheh..well this house will be empty without them dude!trust me! =)

ermmm dats all for today..its already 11pm..i need to class will be at 8am tomorrow dude..
BE PUNCTUAL!! thats what the nurses always do! hehehe =)

love u apple!xoxoxoxo

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