Saturday, June 12, 2010

ermmm nothing much to tell u guys today..just my instinct approached me to blogging all this while...

ermmm harini..doing nothing pun..just ptg tadi pegi kajang..bought textile for raya at gulatis..
with mom,elder bro and my "apple of the eye" very clear to say dat its my precioous nephew la kan kan kan...FALISH ;)

tomorrow,sunday..will go back to my hostel in the evening..will be busy packing my stuff and buy some groceries tomorrow to bring week holiday not enough for me! LOL! tak bersyukur la kau bella!hahahaaha

FYI..will rarely online there since my housemate taking her time to pay the wimax bill =(
BUT! but....i'll try my best to "merajinkan diri"hehehehee pegi online kat library at my campus =)
will be!!

oh and!! im still searching for the right person to be my soulmates =)
let it be the last person..god sent me one precious lover pls =)

p/s; sorry for the "merepekKing" things dat i mumbling here!hehehe *chow*

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