Friday, June 11, 2010

hey peeppppssss!!!!as u guys noticed me dah lame tak blogging kan??
yeah i know i kinda busy this few weeks..assignment this and that..fffeewwhhhh!!
thats what we call "struggle for wut we wanna achieve"
but pls avoid to say "college life was killing me!"owwww it will never be dat words okie!well i'll try for not too...

nursing faculty gave all their studz one week holidays..oyeye!hehehe beriye la decide nak hangout ngan jojie..since my twinnie dah balik..omg! i miss her fucking damn much!!xoxo

last friday my family decide wanna have a trip to! ada kenduri kat sane..
well...we had so much fun there!!dah lama tak pergi family trip bro-in-law was not here to join us =(

so here's a few photos dat i've snap
do have a look..have fun! =)

owww btw! its falish first time trip with us =)

padang besar =)

then kitaorg shoot balik perak..stay one night at perak,my dad's house..

owww yeah! not to ayat my dad suruh beli new laptop for me..
ternyata!me berjaya! love u papa!!! for the elegant lappie =)
its COMPAQ,PRESARIO CQ42 ok la kan..drpd xder =)

after balik kl the next day tu..terus shoot pulak pegi melaka..teman my sis..stayed there for a internet there =(
sedih kan..haishhhhh.... already in my home sweet home! my god! miss my bed..miss my pooh!miss my blog!!my everything!hahaha over seyh! =)

gtg guys! chow!

p/s; miss my twinnie =)

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