Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life had been very cruel to me, I had been battered with lots of emotional ups and down for as long as i remember. I thought it came to end when i finally met him, unfortunately he left me..

And here I am, alone, deserted, and feeling neglected again.

I thought i was about to write happy moments to share with you, I thought my blog will be filled with entries full of hope and happiness, but then i spoke to soon, and here i am writing another stuff from my broken heart.

I cannot refrain from crying, my heart just can no longer contain the hurt and loneliness, I just want to cry my heart out, the loss, the pain, and the feeling of loneliness just keep pulling me down to the abyss of darkness, and i am left with this broken dreams, and another broken heart.

Have i been so bad that i am being punished and all those that i love just cannot be with me?

Why have you left me? u knew i need you, u knew you make me whole again, but why does u left me? have i done great evil that i deserve this?

I wanted to hate you, for being so selfish.. for taking away half of me, but who am i to do that? I am just an ordinary girl..

OH ALLAH! Please help me, give me strength to face all the trials you brought upon me.. guide me and please do not release my hand from your grasp, i need you to help me as i journey in this troubled path..

I feel i had been battered to much, i cant take it anymore..

HELP ME, SAVE ME, GUIDE ME, that i will be able to reach another day with the promise of a good sunrise..

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