Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hye everybody..emmm..i xtau nk ckp apa sbnrnyer..but since lama jgk xblogging,nnt igt me dah xactive lagi kan..hehe..

Owh btw!! Merry Christmas and happy new year everybody!!

Ermmm I’ve got chicken pox for my holidays!sedihhh wooo xboleh keluar..”ma..nnt muke me boleh cantik balik x? ” hehehee..i miss my flawless skin =( mintak2 la baik cpt..aminnnnn.. football match for AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 between Malaysia vs me as a Malaysian wanna wish u guys the Malaysia’s players best of luck okie!

Inilah..barisan kita!yg ikhlas berjuang..siap sedia berkorban utk ibu pertiwi!....hehehehe

I love you Malaysia!!muah muah!

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