Saturday, August 27, 2011

Muslims worldwide will be celebrating the Eid ul-Fitri by end of the month, and Malaysians in particular are in joyous mood as the Eid holiday will coincide with our Independence Day, making it a long holiday for many folks....

I’m taking this chance to have a break as well. My life is a bit jaded for the past few months, it’s time to take a rest and re-prioritise some stuff...

If you are driving off anywhere, please do make sure your car/tyres etc are in good condition and drive safely. Take a rest if you are feeling sleepy.

If you are sticking around KL, enjoy the empty roads!

And remember, this is a day for forgiveness – so let go of any grudges, be happy and love thy neighbour.

Happy Eid to all Muslims, happy holiday fellow Malaysians, good days everyone.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

it doesn't matter who my father was,it matters who I remember he was ;)

As I look back to see
I remember times spent on your knee

When it came to my biggest fears
you came along to wipe away my tears
But as years started rushing by
I'll have to say with a sigh

You needed me just as bad
and those times were so sad

But now we're a family once more
and I know there's so much in store

You always seem to know when I need a smile
especially when you haven't seen one in a while

We seem to always be on the same page
even though there's a big difference in age

We know how to make each other laugh
and it makes time fly past

Daddy thats why I'm so thankful for you
I would never ask for anyone new

I love you so very much
because you help me with all my problems and such

I know you wish you could give me the world
but I'm proud enough with my title
"Daddy's Little Girl"

Happy Father’s Day!! I love u so much papa!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I’ve been posted to Malacca for 2 weeks at the Mahkota Medical Centre,which is one of the best private hospital in Malacca..there, i’ve learnt a lot of new things and get to know the real situation when giving services to the clients and also how to manage my anger situation with all those fussy clients..

So here’s a few photos me n frens having fun there; satisfied with those help and guide given by those staff nurses at the MMC,Malacca..and also for my clinical instructor, Ms.Jansi,Ms.Siti,Ms.Devi,Ms.Shamsiah who encourage me to share my knowledge and skill to my frens ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011


Probably my best friend is one of my schoolmates.. Her name is Johanna and we have known each other since we were 5 years old. If I were to describe how she looks, I would say she is very cute and sweet..

It seems like she and I are always talking or laughing about something. She has a very nice personality and a wonderful sense of humour but she can also get a little depressed from time to time. I can always count on her to be honest and to give me the best advice.

Whatever we're doing, it's always fun to be with her..


To my best friend,

Wherever you may be, I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing. I wanted to thank you for everything you have ever done for me. You have always been there when I needed you, and you were always by my side when times got rough.. I want to thank you for trusting me, and listening to me when I needed you too.. I wanted to let you know that everything you do means a lot to me even though it seems as if most of it is trivial and stupid. I wanted to thank you for letting me help you, even though I know that you really know how to do whatever it is that I help you with..

I know you will never see this, and I'm ok with that. This post is to you, for you, about you, and dedicated to you. Even though I never got to tell you this in person, and even though it slipped once before, I just wanted to say I love you. From the bottom most part of my soul I want to say I love you. I want to stand at the top of the largest buildings and shout it to the world, but sadly these words will fall upon deaf ears.


I know I can rely on her. Even when our lives get busy we still make time to see each other.

We are lucky that we complement each other so well and that we get along so well. I hope that our friendship will continue and be just as strong until the end of the lifetime..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

lots of love for mom!!

If I knew as a child what I know now, Mom, I probably wouldn't have made things so hard for you.. I would have understood that you were looking out for my best interest even though it may not have seemed so at the time..

I would have known how difficult it is to let go, to stand back and let someone you love learn from their mistakes..I would have realized how fortunate I was to have a mother who was always there for me, even after an argument, even after I'd said things I shouldn't have..

While it's too late for a lot of things it's not too late for me to tell you that I appreciate how loving you are, how giving you've always been and that even though I may not always be good at showing it, I love you very much..

I am so grateful and blessed for having a special mom who is always there for me.. I appreciate you a lot..



Thursday, April 28, 2011

28th April 2011

Today, I was had a talk with those guys. 4 or 5? I was forgot, but I sure it's over than 3. That should be the ever first time we talk that serious, nothing about school, nothing about gossip but all about their love stories. They are so enjoy for telling me about that.

One of them had a very dramatic love story. Once he told me that, my mind was just full of those korean's drama. It was like, what the fuck just the same with drama? But of course, that was a pretty sad story. We just don't know how can we comfort him.

People do hate these :

People who are in a relationship keep flirting with others male/female.

People who are in a relationship doesn't be honest in that relation.

People who are in a relationship but they doesn't care their lover.

People who are in a relationship but they don't even give a damn to their lover.

People who are in a relationship but they don't believe their lover.

Honestly, I hope you can breakup with the one who are in a relationship with you if you did what I said on above. YOU DON'T REALLY LOVE HIM/HER ENOUGH. Don't play with people feeling, don't fool people. Or you will get back the same things in future. I swear. God know what you had done to others. I hope you will get back that HURT that you've been giving to others.

Owh yeah! Guys..sorry for not updating my quite a very long period of time right?? Im still alive guys!

Goodbye people! ♥

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life had been very cruel to me, I had been battered with lots of emotional ups and down for as long as i remember. I thought it came to end when i finally met him, unfortunately he left me..

And here I am, alone, deserted, and feeling neglected again.

I thought i was about to write happy moments to share with you, I thought my blog will be filled with entries full of hope and happiness, but then i spoke to soon, and here i am writing another stuff from my broken heart.

I cannot refrain from crying, my heart just can no longer contain the hurt and loneliness, I just want to cry my heart out, the loss, the pain, and the feeling of loneliness just keep pulling me down to the abyss of darkness, and i am left with this broken dreams, and another broken heart.

Have i been so bad that i am being punished and all those that i love just cannot be with me?

Why have you left me? u knew i need you, u knew you make me whole again, but why does u left me? have i done great evil that i deserve this?

I wanted to hate you, for being so selfish.. for taking away half of me, but who am i to do that? I am just an ordinary girl..

OH ALLAH! Please help me, give me strength to face all the trials you brought upon me.. guide me and please do not release my hand from your grasp, i need you to help me as i journey in this troubled path..

I feel i had been battered to much, i cant take it anymore..

HELP ME, SAVE ME, GUIDE ME, that i will be able to reach another day with the promise of a good sunrise..