Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Raya HoLy!

selamat hari raya guys!maaf zahir dan batin =)

hehehe ermm lets talk bout raya yeah..btw..sorry sbb lmbt update bout raya bcuz me mencari mase yg ssuai nak update..hehe =)

ok2! lets start..

me n family had a last minute change our plan..
so we decide celebrate our raya at perak..
since my dad xboleh balik the day before raya..kitaorg pun decide nak beraye dgn dia kat perak..

so here's the pic guys.. =)

owh btw!did i mention dat dis year was falish first raya?
yeah! and he's already 6 month old!

second day of raya; jaya jusco,ipoh =)

at last!! i've got my new handbag!! thanks papa! i love you =)

third day of raya; cameron highlands

before balik bangi..singgah cameron..saje suke2 nak jalan2..since! this is the time to spend our time together..yela masing2 have their own life kan..but! dad cant join us =(

meet najib&rahila's kids! owh and their grandchild.. falish =)

15th sept 2010..
what a very precious and lovely day for me =)
ermmm..spending my time kat mid dgn megat..
watch movie..jalan2..owh and! jmpe abg my twinnie -jojie-
so blablabla..bubye..then leave him with his fren bcuz rase mcm kacau la plak kan dye tgh nk lunch time tu..hehe..
me and megat decide to watched STEP UP 3!
pergh! the best la weyh!
u guys should watch! awesome seyh!

so here at my house..with my parents..just came back from alamanda



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