Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'll be starting my Raya leave tomorrow until next sunday (19th Sept 2010). I will be enjoy celebrating Raya here in with may family in Bdr.Baru Bangi..

To all my Muslim friends, SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Be extra careful when you guys driving back to your hometown . Cherish and treasure the precious moments with your loved ones during this holy celebration.

To others, enjoy the long weekends and appreciate the unity and prosperity that all races share during this beautiful eve.
And of coz, do enjoy the Raya food.. i love ketupat palas(mom's handmade) with rendang hehehhe.


p/s; cant fully enjoy my Raya holidays bcuz my mid- term exam was just around the corner (21st-22nd sept 2010)

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