Thursday, December 31, 2009

hey peeps!
urghh me nak cerite jgk kat u guys!!
xkire xkire nak cerite jgk!!
actually me tgh frust kot skrg..

ermm mcm ni..
me stay melaka for a couple of weeks kan..
so sepanjang kat melaka tu
aderla mcm buat photoshoot sikit..
dgn jojie jer la..
so bangge la kan
gmbr quite fantastic! and thanks to jojie for dat ..
jadi me pun dah berangan la nak upload dkt myspace n facebook memandangkan quite a very long time me
tak upload new pic kan..
plus! a few from dat photoshoots with my new hairstyle..

then before balik bangi me pun transfer la smueeeeee gmbr dlm my pendrive cause mls nak bwk balik camera tu nak tinggal jer kat melaka rumah my sis..
okie its settle..

now me dah kat bangi ..
and im very damn excited nak edit smue gmbr2 tu and nk upload..
and i feel like wanna scream "urggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
because all the photos tu jadi "invalid image"
and i feel like! WTF!!

selidik punyer selidik
kaji punye kaji
finally i realized my pendrive kene dat fucking shit virussssssssssssssss!!
and all my photos dalam tu dah xboleh view!

tak ke frust name nye tu??
yerla its not easy to have a fantastic photos sbb i pun tak pro into photography!
and once i achieved dat seriously i mcm satisfied gile..
and now!
the result.. NOTHING!!!

i rase nak nangis..i frust..i tension thinking of it!
just like a shit kot all this things!!
dahla dgn gmbr prom pun xupload lagi bcuz photographer ader mslh..
smue mnjadi xsempurne..

rase mcm nak nangiss kottt!!
seriously frusttt!!!

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