Sunday, October 25, 2009

hey sygs!!hehe
ermm ok2..
yesterday i went to watch movie with my family at Alamanda Cinema..
release tension la..dats y watched movie nih!
owh this movie was great la sygs!cool dowhhh!!


i watched this movie~~


This movie tells a tale of Saadom who is a successful Nasi Kandar businessman in Pulau Pinang. His wife's last wishes before she passed away to take good care of their daughter Mia, changed Saadom's life forever. From a very buzy businessman who is so infatuated with his Nasi Kandar business, Saadom changed into becoming a very dependable father who is very much focused on her daughter's life. As Mia, grows up she gets a bit annoyed with her father's endless care and devotion towards her which at times seem to much to handle. Her friends are also annoyed with Uncle Saadom who tends to follow Mia wherever she goes. Saadom hugs and kisses his daughter in front of her friends, during lunch break Saadom would come to the school to send some lunch meals for her and her friends but this is not well appreciated by her friends because the Nasi Kandar would ruin their diet. He would also be often seen in the school premises in order to make sure of Mia's safety and sometimes he is being forced out of the school by the Principle.

A huge dilemma arises as Mia is all grown up and ready for University life. Saadom wishes that her daughter would proceed with her studies somewhere near Pulau Pinang but Mia chooses otherwise in order she could be far away from her father. Saadom gets panic and have no idea on how to fulfill his late wife's wishes to take care of their daughter.

this movie was great guysss!!!!

5/5 stars!

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