Thursday, December 31, 2009

hey peeps!
urghh me nak cerite jgk kat u guys!!
xkire xkire nak cerite jgk!!
actually me tgh frust kot skrg..

ermm mcm ni..
me stay melaka for a couple of weeks kan..
so sepanjang kat melaka tu
aderla mcm buat photoshoot sikit..
dgn jojie jer la..
so bangge la kan
gmbr quite fantastic! and thanks to jojie for dat ..
jadi me pun dah berangan la nak upload dkt myspace n facebook memandangkan quite a very long time me
tak upload new pic kan..
plus! a few from dat photoshoots with my new hairstyle..

then before balik bangi me pun transfer la smueeeeee gmbr dlm my pendrive cause mls nak bwk balik camera tu nak tinggal jer kat melaka rumah my sis..
okie its settle..

now me dah kat bangi ..
and im very damn excited nak edit smue gmbr2 tu and nk upload..
and i feel like wanna scream "urggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
because all the photos tu jadi "invalid image"
and i feel like! WTF!!

selidik punyer selidik
kaji punye kaji
finally i realized my pendrive kene dat fucking shit virussssssssssssssss!!
and all my photos dalam tu dah xboleh view!

tak ke frust name nye tu??
yerla its not easy to have a fantastic photos sbb i pun tak pro into photography!
and once i achieved dat seriously i mcm satisfied gile..
and now!
the result.. NOTHING!!!

i rase nak nangis..i frust..i tension thinking of it!
just like a shit kot all this things!!
dahla dgn gmbr prom pun xupload lagi bcuz photographer ader mslh..
smue mnjadi xsempurne..

rase mcm nak nangiss kottt!!
seriously frusttt!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009


hey peeps!!
ahaaa im very excited to post this blog actually..
on my way back home just now..i've plan to post the blog bout this ;)

ermm just now i went to PKNS,BANGI..with my mom,sista n bro Hariz ;)
aim pergi sane bcuz my mom wanna buy hariz a new since at PKNS got digital fair kan..
kitaorg pun decide la mau pergi tgk2 kat situ..
yerla dah name pun digital fair..and iklan konon2 nyer ader 70% off..
tapi citer dye bukan smue booth 70% off pun ;)

ok2! at first hariz decide wanna take blackberry..bcuz dat person gave him my mother agree la kan...but ader masalah bout the service to install the software so we have to add another rm300..
in dat case my bro pilih iphone plak..xjauh mane pun beze harga just add rm400 jer..
huhuuu ;))
ok my bro punyer phone selesai dah beli kan..dia pun tersenyum berseriiiiiiiii

itu intro jer actually...
my god!panjang kan??
sape suruh bace?
pdn muke!
welks ;)

so!hasil bodek manje2 saye..
jadi saye berjaye memujuk my mom mau beli phone jgk..
but xla semahal iphone tu..
murah sikit jerr..
ahaaaa...iphone jugak kan??
adik beradik jer..huhuhuh
janji touch screen..
yg penting!!
colour PINK!


mama..thanks yeah!! ily!!



Tuesday, December 15, 2009

emotional??yes i do!

I am still waiting for an answer.
Or maybe all I'm lacking is abit of courage.

I'm tired of makin decisions. I really am so tired.
For once, can I just be put into an INSANE WARD?

Tie me up, Feed me what I should eat, and tell me what to do.
Rid me of hopes, dreams and plans, that I may escape the constant torment of it's shadows.

Because then, I will have no fear of failing , of being rejected, of hurting right?


I know. I guess, we are not meant to be robots.......But sometimes, I really wish we were.

p/s: i'm just being a coward when it comes to decision making sometimes. ignore.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

woke up at 7.30am send my sis to her class at near the KLIA..
then went to MYDIN,PUTRAJAYA to buy some stuff...
on the way back home..

"adik..petang ni jom pegi KL..mama nak beli kain kat JAKEL.."
"heyh!i thought u baru je tempah baju..."
"alaaa jomlaaaa..JAKEL tgh offer"

ok so after zohor kitaorg pun pegi la KL..
admit!!!jem as always..yerla saturday kan..
lucky my elder brother wohooo...
lelaki kan..cekap la sikit nak selit2 ni..

tgh2 jem nak cari parking tu brother said..
sape la dpt parking kat tepi ni mcm menang jackpot la!haha..
then!ade kete nak kuar i think kitaorg kot menang jackpot dat dat..

she's crazy with sari's fabrics..

we're heading to JAKEL

one of my favvie fabrics..
tgk la sape yg pilih kan..
"mama..mama tak rase lapar ke??heheheeh"

so decide pegi mkn kat one of our family's favvie restaurant..
ala kedai keciiikkk jer..
ala2 kedai kopi dulu2

lepas mkn..
nak pegi sogo plak..
yerla dpn tu je kan..
sekali nmpk satu butik ni..
mcm cantiikkk jer baju..

first try..
ermmm xmuat kat ehem2..
then salesgirl tu cari pattern lain utk me..
haaaa then muat...
tgk harge..

"huh..ader seluar sekali ker??laa baju jer..haish dress prom u pun xmhl mcm ni..
ermmm amik jer la..hihihi"

omgieee i love my mum dowh!!hahahaha
cehcehceh..husband call..

seeee...ramai kan???
haishhh itula kl..
tula kadang2 mls nak dtg..

nothing actually...
but i just love the sentence
"food for friendship"

then it reminds me of sumthing..
mase zaman kat sekolah la kan..
(jo! im sure u know wut i mean kan syg??)


agak2 dah penat..
balik la..
lagipun its already 7.30pm..


Friday, December 11, 2009

for GUYS!

So you'd think this song would be offensive... my brother showed it to me and its one of my favourites!! :D You just can't help but dance to it!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

omg!suddenly me rindu my blog..

owh yeah! last wednesday (9th dec 09)
im going to BB,KL to find my prom dress
finally! i've found it..

wake up earlyyyyyy in the morning..
5.30am! hahaha
jojo mandi dulu la bcuz me nak tidur lagi kan..heheeh
after jojo mandi...duh!jojo kejut me..
fine! jojo minta tolong me pakaikan lens utk dia
half and hour one side eye tau..
damn funny kot...haishhh

so bertolak at 7am..
with jojo's parents..
yeah2 i know awal..
but its save my budget dowh!hahaha
sbb mama jojo pergi office near the mcm dah alang2 kan..
tumpang la

pergi breakfast dkt jln telawi,bangsar..
then hantar mama jojo pergi office..
bout 9 sumthing kitaorg sampai bb

mcm excited dowh!
xtau knpa terase jakun tibe2!

"jojie!finally we're in bb!"


then straight pergi pavilion..
ermm just xtau nak buat apa..
jalannnnn jer..
yerla pkul 9 kot..
kedai xbukak lagi kan..
pergi toilet..
pastu lepak tepi2 tu..tgk jalan..

10am jalan slow2 pergi times..

survey dress skt nichii boutique,times..
lawa!but color tu i xminat kot..
so decide la pergi

round punye round..
than yeay!
fnally i've got my dress!
duh! dkt metrojaya jer ;)

lepas beli dress..
decide nak lepak kat pavi..
so pegi la...

tgh lepak2 kan..
i'm just wondering knpa ramai sgt people yg excited
nak bergambar kat pokok christmas ni??

having lunch dkt nasi ayam hailam near the plaza area..
rest jer kejap..
3.30 pergi times balik
beli kasut dkt nichii boutique tu..
pastu 5pm pergi monorail to KL Sentral bcuz
parents jojie fetch us there...

masuk je kereta..
pergh!lege gile kot!
haishh yerla penat kan jalan jer keje..
parents jojie nak pegi CM mau cari barang..

me n jojie terlampau xlarat sgt dah nak jalan..
so we decide duduk dkt food court CM tu due org..
have a drink..

jojie's mama

pastu balik..
sampai kajang around 7sumthing..
then had lunch at sg.ramal area..
smpai rumah jojie around 8sumthing..


Nichii boutique,times square

i just dun wanna published my dress here..
ermm will show u guys on my next blog bout my prom night!
just wait okie ;)
