Wednesday, May 19, 2010

college life ♥

hey peeps!!
for those who r following my blog, they might know that i've started college at SEGi UC Kota Damansara about a weeks ago
so college life was FUN FUN FUN!!

i get to know great friends there =)
here's some photos bout my college life
enjoy peeps!!

will update my blog soon=)
ciao peeps

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

happy birthday to you;
happy birthday to you;
happy birthday to mama;
happy birthday to you!!

I won't tell you how old my mother is, but I will tell you she looks awesome and totally doesn't act her age. She pretty much rocks. And I love her madly!!s he's the best mother/friend/supporter and a girl could ask for..

Have a great day, mom!

big kiss n hugs!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

ermmm wait!!where should i start?? dah register pun masuk college on last 8th of may..ahaaa...
FIRST!!penat..for sure la!

so my college lifes begins here!!!

everything was fine..comfortable..nicceeeeee!!haha =)

tomorrow will be my first day to orientation meyh!
hahaha how it will be?ermm will seeeeee...hehehehe

as always i miss my loversssssss!!!!! hehehehe

owh yeah!before i end my blog for today..
im very happy and proud to wish..


to all mothers in da world..

for my mama..
i love you always proud of you..and im so glad to be ur daughter!
u're my everything =)

*big kiss and hugs!!!*

Thursday, May 6, 2010

a very big hugs for my blog!
owwwww i miss u sugar..ow yeah! not to forget..big hugs for the bloggers too!!!
errrmmm..actually i just came back from langkawi..about a few days and spend a couple of days with my daddy too in perak..
so kalau tolak,campur,bahagi,darab...ada la dlm one week jgk la me bercuti..haha!
so xberkesempatan la nak on9 kan =)

pejam celik pejam celik..
eyyyy me dah nak masuk college dah...
owwww what a life!! cepatnye masa berlalu kan kan kan??
rasa mcm baru smlm jer dpt spm result..
haha! over la tu kan =)

im wondering how my college life going to be?
is it sweet?fun?stressful? urggghhh... bell.just dont think bout it..
what i need to do is just get a 100% ready to go through for it! huuuhhhh...
as always..i need a support from all my beloved huggie bear!
pray for me people... =)

owh! did i mention what course im taking??

im taking DIPLOMA IN NURSING for 3 years babe!


at SEGI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE,Kota Damansara..of course! wah so bangge la u bella!

welll...dats all for now..
gtg sweetie!!