Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Falish Nasran Syah 23rd feb 2010

say hello to Falish Nasran Syah Bin. Fairuzz Bakhtiar Syah!
and congrats to his parents too! ;)
ermm delivered on 12.02am which is on the date of 23rd Feb 2010..
weight ; 3.7kg
p.o.b ; KPJ Shah Alam

my sis..(time ni before bersalin..hehe )

about 7.45pm on 22nd feb..
my sis dah kne masuk delivery suite bcuz she's already getting pain ;)

while waiting ;)

(uncle hariz and auntie bella getting excited)

nanny from both side!
popo (my brother-in-law's mom) omma (my mom)
ececeh! ;)

ok fine! at this time we was getting damn worried kot syg
u just imagine sudah pukul 10 baby tak keluar lagi! (ceh "tak keluar")
owh and my sis screaming!!omg!!
i can feel the pain sis!!

we heard baby crying..
oyeyeye!! hahaha
congrats! baby boy..

ececehhh..lega daddy falish ni! ;)

a few minutes after ;)

the next day ; baby 1 days old ;)

alololo syg2 auntie!!
me dah jadi auntie weyh!!

2 days old..
my sis dah boleh discharge..
so fetch her and the baby..
ahaaa..omma falish ni..kalau dah pegang cucu dia org lain nk pgg??
harapan tipis la sygggg..hehehe ;)
yela first grandchild kan?? hero plak tu ;)

mama excited!
baby nangis jer mula nak panic! haha
4 person kena tolong dia..hehehe ;)

sleep tite syg..

we love you superman!!!

so again..
my nephew..
Falish Nasran Syah ;)

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