Saturday, January 9, 2010

ermmm first of all...
i've failed my test undang2 today!!
urghhh lagi 2 marks nak lulus
i just get
shitt laaaa!!
tak berbaloi pun dari pagi pergi ptg baru sit for dat exam
and i get like this kind of result!

tak pasal la kene amik lagi sekali
and i have to pay RM50 for dat ;(
kesian kan?
hope for my second time test i lulus la ;)

wish me luck for dat okie guys! ;))

actually mls la nak cite byk pasal test tadi..
buat sedih je kan kan kan..
so balik je rumah tadi
got parcel for me..
pos laju beb!
im wondering sapa la gerangan menghantar parcel kat i ni
afique's name written on it..
then i know!
it was prom photos la!!
separuh hati sedikit gemnbira

jadi me pun tgk and tgk and tgk..
and i've choose the best to upload..
nak upload semue mcm byk la kan..
dgn server yg lembap ni memang berjanggut la nak tnggu..

so this a few of it...
check it out
babe ;))

my ecstacy for dat nite ;))

thanks afique! my great photographer for that nite ;)

meet caprice!
our great performers ;)

dats all i guess..
it was a blast!!
and im being the reallll me on dat nite!
say wut u want baby..

thanks oriental crystal hotel for a nice places
thanks people who have make it a blastttttt party!!
and mostly thanks to my photographer afique ;))

im gonna miss this!!

ily guyssss!!!!


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