Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doctor Appointment 30/10/09

hey people..hehehe
ok today im not going to schoolll..
bukan sbb malas people but i have an appointment with my doctor
at HUKM hospital..

woke up early in the morning then reached hospital around 7sumthing..
then i dpt number giliran awal weyh!haha org ke-7..hehehe happy la kan boleh balik awal
because niat nak sambung tidur di rumah..tetapi ape kan daye hajat xkesampaian..bcuz u know wut people..

"dik..ikut mama pergi ofis la..mama mls la nak anta adik balik"

so!decision..ikut my mom pergi office dia...omgieee!damn boring here..tapi best bcuz all my mom's staff budak mude dowhhh!!hahaha boleh tahan la sdp mate memandang..saya kan suke lelaki yg berkemeje kan?hahaha now tgk la puas2 bella oi!hahaha

"eyh puan..sape nih??"
"staff baru"haha (my mom dgn statement nye yg kejam!)

then teramat la boring yg pun online..lucky got internet here..hehehe excellent server strength tau syg..hehe
then me call jojie..lame la gayut2 sgn die...gossipping!rutin harian dowhh hahaha
believe me..bout 20 minutes me on the phone dgn jojie using my clcm number..baru 0ne ringgit kene tolak..haishhh berbaloi baloi hahaha..

im going out for lunch now u guys back with my next blog ok people! im counting the days saja for spm..haish perut tenggelam timbul ketakutan..hahaha

one more thing!my doctor said my tumor was not a cancer!!yeah im happy to hear dat..bcuz before this
they suspect that it was a cancer..and the final result was no!!not a cancer..haha!
thanks god!!

-bella xoxo-

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