Wednesday, March 28, 2012

my 20th bday!!!

well well a blink of an 20th bday passed just like that..for those of u who still doesnt bday falls on 9th of March every year ;p
so,as expected no one actually celebrated for me on my bday since dat i am busy with my practical and also i am not able to went back to bangi to celebrate with my fine with dat actually, for me..a wish from them means everything to me as long as they remembered.. ;)

however..there was two suprises for my bday this year.. 1st of all my colleagues friends,as it was on my birhtday the Friday night..i received a pair of red dress to wear on that night and they brought me to one of the 5star karaoke at the pj area..
my other girlfriends and boyfriends actually came out with a cake,before i entering the room..
while im entering the room i saw a big banner which was my pic on it and a bday wishes..
i must say i was truly stunned and this was really memorable..thanks lots babygirls and babyboys!

the 2nd one was even more suprising... my parents gave me Apple ipad2 as a gift on my birthday! heeee thanks lots mom!! i love u both lots!!
there goes my birthday this year...thought nothing much happened on my actual bday itself,the 2 suprises along with it were enough to make this memorable one yet... <3

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Falish 2nd Bday and Sis Anne's Baby Shower event..
on 25th of Feb 2012,Saturday =)

heyyyy peeps!heeee ermm like as going to tell u guys bout our family's event held last Sat on 25th Feb..
oh my! its held so well and fun..with lots of family and friends also neighbours coming..Alhamdulillah..

heres a few photos dat i have taken;

Anne's Baby Shower goodies
Falish 2nd Bday goodies

he's turn 2 years old already! wuhuuu time flies so fast..he grow so well with lots of love and being a healthy well boy..we love u little Falish!

Falish tokpa! awww he loves his grandson so much wooo! tokpa..Falish love u lots too! so are we! xoxo
my bestie!thanks for coming and helping lots my dear! <3
thanks my girlfriends for coming! owh and thanks for the Falish's present too! love u lots!! xoxoxoxo <3

the foods serve! nyum2!;

thanks Auntie Tikah for the yummie handmade chocolate! ;)
Falish with his pressie! thanks for the presents guys!

special from Auntie Bella for her little nephew Falish with lots of love! auntie love u so much baby matter how old are u..u still my baby boy okay! hugs!

last but not least...thanks for those who came and make the day was fun...sorry for any convenience dat makes a little unsatisfied..hopefully,u guys having fun... =) thanks!

-Nabella Najib and Family <3 ;)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Goodbye 2011 Hello 2012!

hello people!!hheheh yeah2 i know its been a long time i didnt post any new stories! January to Feb to Mac.....Nov..Dec oh my! its already 2012 doe!hehehe what a life..sekejap je rase and im almost turning 20 years old dis year!huhuhu =p
ok2...since its already new year of i just need to flashback those moments on 2011..but since got a few i dah cerite kat i just picked a few months of 2011..

August 2011 : Eid
well..ermmm last raya was in Penang..well ermmm..we had much fun there with cuzzies and little nephew++nieces..hehehe

October 2011: Posting at Batu Pahat,Johor

taken at Gunung Ledang =) oh my!! i miss those moment happens there!

i have learnt a lot of new things here..and also gained lots if experience..those cooperations given from my colleagues makes me more confident in doing my job here =) thanks friends and lecturer <3
a few days on December 2011: vacation to Kuching,Sarawak and Malacca

kampung budaya Santubong,Sarawak

Tasik Biru,Bau,Sarawak..

Malacca..with little falish @ Hotel Equatorial Malacca..

sorry not uploading all the photos here..will if u wanna to see more..there's a lot at my FB =) do feel free to view yeah =)


last but not least! Happy New Year of 2012 everybody!!
may your day glow with good cheers and blessed for u and family...

instead of complaining how bad the 2011 was,why dont we thanks to God that he gave us a chance to live rite?? =) Alhamdulillah...
