Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hye everybody..emmm..i xtau nk ckp apa sbnrnyer..but since lama jgk xblogging,nnt igt me dah xactive lagi kan..hehe..

Owh btw!! Merry Christmas and happy new year everybody!!

Ermmm I’ve got chicken pox for my holidays!sedihhh wooo xboleh keluar..”ma..nnt muke me boleh cantik balik x? ” hehehee..i miss my flawless skin =( mintak2 la baik cpt..aminnnnn.. football match for AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 between Malaysia vs me as a Malaysian wanna wish u guys the Malaysia’s players best of luck okie!

Inilah..barisan kita!yg ikhlas berjuang..siap sedia berkorban utk ibu pertiwi!....hehehehe

I love you Malaysia!!muah muah!

Friday, December 10, 2010

sem 2's Final Exam

It is about a week from now, I will having my final examination.phew...Having 5 subjects to be taken in this upcoming final exam would not be an easy life for me in this upcoming week..Hopefully, I can perform much better than the previous semester. To all my 2/2010 C1 classmate (Diploma IN Nursing), all the best to all of you...


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Salam Maal Hijrah 7/12/2010

A happy, successful, prosperous, blossoming, rewarding and faithful Islamic
New 1432.year wish I to all Muslims on the world. May Allah The Almighty
give you all best on this and the hereafter world. Amin...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

condolence message to my twinnie

I am deeply shocked at the
sudden demise of your father on 26th Nov 2010
May his soul rest in peace..

Your father was one of the nicest people
I know that he was a great father too
You have my deepest sympathy on your loss..

I am writing to extend my deepest sympathies
to you and your family i was so very sad to hear
about father he was such a wonderful man..

Friday, November 19, 2010


I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?

For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?

Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?

If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew it all along.

Happy Birthday,Happy Birthday,Happy Birthday

To You Dad!! ♥


Sunday, October 31, 2010

ahaaa lame kan i x blogging?lame la weyhhh...hehehe
hello! im still alive la...slalu update kat facebook jer..hehe

ok2..ermm well..this blog pasal our family vacation to PD..just for two days jer on 30th-31st OCT 2010..

location; Glory Beach Resort =)

our dinner for dat nite =)

i u baby falish!

checkout on 31st..around 11am..balik bangi..then terus siap pg wedding plak..hehe omg!im exhausted kot eventhough im not the one hwo driving!hehe from wedding terus balik hostel.. =)

and now im currently in damansara.. =) facebook-ing,listening to music while blogging =)

owh and not to forget!before i end..
congrats KELANTAN for the winning of PIALA MALAYSIA

Saturday, September 18, 2010

18th sept 2010; today pegi open house rumah Syaza.. && i dpt melepaskan rindu yg dh lame terpendam! wah!! hahaha my convent babies!! owwww i love them weyh!!

so heres the pic ;)
thanks for being my co-pilot babe!! i love u twinnie ;)

meet my convent babies!
atikah jalal,sofea,jojie,ummi,atikah ganny,iyah,syaza and farisa!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Raya HoLy!

selamat hari raya guys!maaf zahir dan batin =)

hehehe ermm lets talk bout raya yeah..btw..sorry sbb lmbt update bout raya bcuz me mencari mase yg ssuai nak update..hehe =)

ok2! lets start..

me n family had a last minute change our plan..
so we decide celebrate our raya at perak..
since my dad xboleh balik the day before raya..kitaorg pun decide nak beraye dgn dia kat perak..

so here's the pic guys.. =)

owh btw!did i mention dat dis year was falish first raya?
yeah! and he's already 6 month old!

second day of raya; jaya jusco,ipoh =)

at last!! i've got my new handbag!! thanks papa! i love you =)

third day of raya; cameron highlands

before balik bangi..singgah cameron..saje suke2 nak jalan2..since! this is the time to spend our time together..yela masing2 have their own life kan..but! dad cant join us =(

meet najib&rahila's kids! owh and their grandchild.. falish =)

15th sept 2010..
what a very precious and lovely day for me =)
ermmm..spending my time kat mid dgn megat..
watch movie..jalan2..owh and! jmpe abg my twinnie -jojie-
so blablabla..bubye..then leave him with his fren bcuz rase mcm kacau la plak kan dye tgh nk lunch time tu..hehe..
me and megat decide to watched STEP UP 3!
pergh! the best la weyh!
u guys should watch! awesome seyh!

so here at my house..with my parents..just came back from alamanda



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'll be starting my Raya leave tomorrow until next sunday (19th Sept 2010). I will be enjoy celebrating Raya here in with may family in Bdr.Baru Bangi..

To all my Muslim friends, SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Be extra careful when you guys driving back to your hometown . Cherish and treasure the precious moments with your loved ones during this holy celebration.

To others, enjoy the long weekends and appreciate the unity and prosperity that all races share during this beautiful eve.
And of coz, do enjoy the Raya food.. i love ketupat palas(mom's handmade) with rendang hehehhe.


p/s; cant fully enjoy my Raya holidays bcuz my mid- term exam was just around the corner (21st-22nd sept 2010)

Monday, August 30, 2010

1 Malaysia Transforming the Nation

Malaysia celebrates its 53rd year of independence this August 31st. This number may seem small compared to many other countries, but our long, storied history is no less impressive, nor less captivating.

53 years of blood, sweat and toil have carried us to our current perch on the world stage. Sure, we've had our share of false starts and disappointments, but they pale in comparison to our triumphs and moments of resilience.


Happy Merdeka day to all Malaysian,. wish all the best for the nation…

" 1 Malaysia Transforming the Nation"

peace Malaysia!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Look behind the mascara
and the shiny lipstick
look a little deeper
and maybe you will see
that this girl you are looking
at really isn't me...

What's better?
A lie that draws a smile
or the truth that draws a tear?

p/s; sorry i was just try to express my feelings here..just want u guys to know..
dat i really hurts right now..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

my sem 2 will be start soon!!!!

well..i've just done my final exam and my osce which is known as nursing clinical exam.. far i get a great always im getting nervous bcuz this is my first time sitting for osce exam..
alhamdullillah everythings go smoothly...

wuhuuu..pejam dah nak masuk sem 2 seyhhh!! first stage was done..the next stage was waiting in front there..was the bright future in front of me?? i hope so YES!!!

today was the first day of ramadhan..wuhuu..sedihnyerrr...first time berpuasa without my family...ecececehhh..hehehee... =)

happy ramadhan guys! sorry of my wrong doing since i know u.... =)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

hey peeps..
ermmm nothing much i want to post today..
just im a bit stress with my study for this past few days..
with the final assessments, upcoming final exam, nursing practical exam..uurgghhh!! all must be done by this AUGUST! so i really need to pay attention with all of this things..this is what i've choose for my life..and i will take the challenges =)

before i end today's post..
just i want to wish one of my men that used to be mine a years ago..
wish him happy ♥ .. gud luck with all dat will u going through..

thanks for all the happiness u gave when we was together..
its always on my mind..

love you sunshine! ♥ ♥

p/s ; im still alive!! and my blog still breathing! =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

heyyyy lil' diary!!my goddddd i miss u alot laaa!!haha..
sorry for the long time never post any story quite busy with my study plus
i've a lil' problem with my class dats needs a time to be settle and also not much idea to i refuse for not post anything here until its back to normal..

well..guys!! on last 13th of july 2010..
CLINIQUE STAR TOUR 2010 had visit our college.. -SEGI UC,KD-

at first..i was just lepakking with my frens nearby the of the promoter girls from CLINIQUE invite us to their booth that located nearby the poolside.. they set up in a very classy way and dats attracted me and frens to visited it..

we need to pay rm30 to participate in this event..well i think its worth it with the makeover,photoshoot and free clinique makeup and rite! so i think..why not we just try!

anyway..this is the makeup section..its very nice..they put u on those superstar chairs hahaha and the makeup artistes was very nice as well they will ask u if u like it and if u dont they will do the new sweet!! but no! i like mine all the way anyways!but before we had makeup on..they will cleaned up our face also with the clinique products..i love the makes me fresh!

next will be the hair style session..well i've choose to straight my hair =)
and the photo session is ready for me..ahhaaa..i act like "kayu" at the first shot..and..ahaaaaa im chicky for the next shot..

the experience was pretty good actually..

i was given printed picture of my own,a goodie bag with a clinique product and lipgloss,with a 50bucks voucher to do my hair at miko's saloon in pavilion,kl..

so's a few photos that taken by me at the scene =)

owh btw!!this my picture that i think! the better one than others shot!hahaha

im lovin' it!! and thanks to CLINIQUE team for making my dreams come true!! ;)

Monday, June 21, 2010

hey peeps!!! heehe finally plan yg nak keluar dgn my twinnie tu jadi jgk! hehehee
last saturday.. location; BB ;)
yer tau2!! "BB" lagi! hahahaa biarla...drpd asyik2 nak keluar smpai ke mid jer bosan gak kan..huhuhu..well.. our favvie place la BB xder bosannyer la kan..

as always pegi naik KTM..but me drive sampai ke my super exboyfie house..and he send us to ktm..wahhh baik dowh dia!mmuuaxx syg u la hadi! =)
nnt me blnjer u minum2 okie hehehee...

so here's a few pic dat have taken by jojie =)

ermmm well we had so much fun there as always we do..
watch movie.. karate kid!
serious dowh! nice and touching movie kot..smpai popcorn "tumpah" la nak menunjukkan movie tu best! kan jojie kan???

the next day ddk rumah jer..but in the evening jumpe hadi kat oldtown suruh die keje kan software kat my lappie ni..huhuhhu

but now im currently at my hostel..lying on my bed while watching my both cutie senior laughing like a hell! heheeheh..well this house will be empty without them dude!trust me! =)

ermmm dats all for today..its already 11pm..i need to class will be at 8am tomorrow dude..
BE PUNCTUAL!! thats what the nurses always do! hehehe =)

love u apple!xoxoxoxo

Saturday, June 12, 2010

ermmm nothing much to tell u guys today..just my instinct approached me to blogging all this while...

ermmm harini..doing nothing pun..just ptg tadi pegi kajang..bought textile for raya at gulatis..
with mom,elder bro and my "apple of the eye" very clear to say dat its my precioous nephew la kan kan kan...FALISH ;)

tomorrow,sunday..will go back to my hostel in the evening..will be busy packing my stuff and buy some groceries tomorrow to bring week holiday not enough for me! LOL! tak bersyukur la kau bella!hahahaaha

FYI..will rarely online there since my housemate taking her time to pay the wimax bill =(
BUT! but....i'll try my best to "merajinkan diri"hehehehee pegi online kat library at my campus =)
will be!!

oh and!! im still searching for the right person to be my soulmates =)
let it be the last person..god sent me one precious lover pls =)

p/s; sorry for the "merepekKing" things dat i mumbling here!hehehe *chow*